I'm JOHN, a New York based graphic designer specializing in print & web.

đź’» Skilled graphic designer with 15+ years of experience helping nonprofits, businesses, and individuals.

đź–‹ Author of novels, short stories, and scripts under a pen name.

👉 Co-founder of the pop-up events company, History Repeatn’.

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I'm JOHN, a New York based graphic designer specializing in print & web.

đź’» Skilled graphic designer with 15+ years of experience helping nonprofits, businesses, and individuals.

đź–‹ Author of novels, short stories, and scripts under a pen name.

👉 Co-founder of the pop-up events company, History Repeatn’.

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  • Designed materials for Samsung, DOW, and Con Edison.
  • Design competition entrant, notably The Dollar ReDe$ign Competition, HOW Design’s Annual Print Competition and Neenah Paper’s Annual Print Competition.

  • Received notoriety after he curated and designed the inaugural LGBTQ+ exhibit, PRIDE!, for the Northport Historical Society in 2023. It was the first time in the museum’s sixty-two-year history that an exhibit for the LGBTQ+ community was on display.
  • His work has garnered significant attention, having been showcased in various media outlets, including blogs, newspapers, and television.

Long Story, Made Short

Like many, I was born and wandered aimlessly (doing typical things that aimless wanderers do) until sometime in my late teens when, while shopping at a mall, I was scouted to be an actor. Since this magical event occurred before email or cell phones, I had to trust the post office to deliver a script. When the script didn’t arrive, it became clear that I needed to pursue a different career path.

A few years later, I took on a part-time job at a real estate office while earning my bachelor’s degree. It was there I discovered I had a talent for designing things…specifically printed things. What’s even better is that people started hiring me to design these things, launching my freelance career. Since then, I’ve established myself as the go-to person for non-profits, small businesses, startups, and individuals seeking unique design concepts.


I have a Master’s Degree, though I’ve mostly developed my design skills through self-teaching, years of practice and a strange need to “just make things look better”. This has motivated me to take part in design competitions and develop my own set of productivity tools.


I always regarded writing as a hobby; however, I often found myself taking on writing projects for clients, which included producing blog posts, ebooks, and other written materials.

Several years ago, I made a commitment to pursue writing full time and began working on a novel series. In taking on this ambitious endeavor, I created a pen name for myself, established an author website where I offered writing advice and downloadable tools, developed a social media strategy for my writing persona and networked at writing conferences.

Recently, I created a publishing company to publish my novels and continue to craft short stories, which I have submitted to writing competitions to further my recognition within the literary world.


    • Designed materials for Samsung, DOW, and Con Edison.
    • Design competition entrant, notably The Dollar ReDe$ign Competition, HOW Design’s Annual Print Competition and Neenah Paper’s Annual Print Competition.
    • Received notoriety after he curated and designed the inaugural LGBTQ+ exhibit, PRIDE!, for the Northport Historical Society in 2023. It was the first time in the museum’s sixty-two-year history that an exhibit for the LGBTQ+ community was on display.
    • His work has garnered significant attention, having been showcased in various media outlets, including blogs, newspapers, and television.

Long Story, Made Short

Like many, I was born and wandered aimlessly (doing typical things that aimless wanderers do) until sometime in my late teens when, while shopping at a mall, I was scouted to be an actor. Since this magical event occurred before email or cell phones, I had to trust the post office to deliver a script. When the script didn’t arrive, it became clear that I needed to pursue a different career path.

A few years later, I took on a part-time job at a real estate office while earning my bachelor’s degree. It was there I discovered I had a talent for designing things…specifically printed things. What’s even better is that people started hiring me to design these things, launching my freelance career. Since then, I’ve established myself as the go-to person for non-profits, small businesses, startups, and individuals seeking unique design concepts.


I have a Master’s Degree, though I’ve mostly developed my design skills through self-teaching, years of practice and a strange need to “just make things look better”. This has motivated me to take part in design competitions and develop my own set of productivity tools.


I always regarded writing as a hobby; however, I often found myself taking on writing projects for clients, which included producing blog posts, ebooks, and other written materials.

Several years ago, I made a commitment to pursue writing full time and began working on a novel series. In taking on this ambitious endeavor, I created a pen name for myself, established an author website where I offered writing advice and downloadable tools, developed a social media strategy for my writing persona and networked at writing conferences.

Recently, I created a publishing company to publish my novels and continue to craft short stories, which I have submitted to writing competitions to further my recognition within the literary world.

In The News

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